Monday, August 8, 2011

'Ard Boyz 2011

So, I'm going to 'Ard Boyz this year.  Yay.  I wasn't planning on it originally, but it's hard to turn down a free event, no matter how crappy it is.

So, my list:

Ghazgkhull Mag Uruk Thraka
Big Mek - Kustom Force Field

Kommandoz - 15, 2 burnaz, Boss Snikrot
2x 9 Lootas

Nobz - 6, Painboy, cybork bodies, powerklaw, kombi-skorcha, powerklaw, bosspole, Waagh! Banner, kombi-skorcha, Battlewagon w/ deff rolla, big shoota, boardin' plank, grot riggers
2x 20 Boyz, Nob w/ powerklaw, bosspole
2x 12 Boyz, Nob w/ powerklaw, bosspole, Trukk w/ reinforced ram, boardin' plank
12 Grotz, Runtherd

Fast Attack
3x Deff Kopta w/ twin-linked rokkit launcha and buzzsaw

Heavy Support
2x Battlewagon w/ deff rolla, big shoota, boardin' plank, grot riggers
Looted Wagon w/ boomgun, big shoota, 'ard case (unless I can get my Kannonz finished in time)

Total ~ 2500

So yeah, Orks.  Not a great competitive army, but 'Ard Boyz isn't a great competitive event.  Too reliant on matchups, rewarding seal clubbing over close matches and 2500 is a ridiculous point level.

Still, should be amusing.

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