Friday, April 9, 2010


Hey, if anybody likes Necromunda and can put up with Vassal, we're starting up a campaign.  Info is here and here.

As a total noob, I'll be chronicling my rise to power, or more realistically, my hilarious streak of depressing failures.


TheKing Elessar said...

I'm busily re-downloading Vassal, hopefully it will work this time...

Chumbalaya said...

This'll be my 3rd time, maybe it'll stick.

Unknown said...

That 3++ blog is great =D.

It's the new black.

Chumbalaya said...

Black is very slimming

TheKing Elessar said...

Except on an Orca. Or a Panda. Or a Black Bear. Or an Emperor Penguin. Or outer space.

Chumbalaya said...

Hush, you

Cyklown said...

Ah, but what if we don't play necromunda but also don't mind Vassal? Eh? Eh?

Chumbalaya said...

Does not compute, divide by 0
